Questões de Concurso Público SEFAZ-PR 2012 para Auditor Fiscal - Manhã

Foram encontradas 3 questões

Q1167769 Governança de TI
Sobre o planejamento do Programa de Governança de TI, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1167772 Governança de TI
Sobre os níveis do modelo de maturidade para gerenciamento e controle dos processos de TI baseado em COBIT, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1167798 Governança de TI

About the Control Objectives of COBIT, consider the following statements.

I. Monitor Future Trends and Regulations - to establish an IT architecture board to provide architecture guidelines and advice on their application and to verify compliance.

II. Technological Direction Planning - to analyze existing and emerging technologies and plan which technological direction is appropriate to realize the IT strategy and the business systems architecture.

III. Technology Infrastructure Plan - to create and maintain a technology infrastructure plan that is in accordance with the IT strategic and tactical plans and based on the technological direction.

IV. Technology Standards - to provide consistent, effective and secure technological solutions enterprisewide and establish a technology forum to provide technology guidelines.

Choose the correct alternative.

1: E
2: A
3: A