Questões de Concurso Público SEFAZ-PR 2012 para Auditor Fiscal - Manhã

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q1167794 Governança de TI

Based on the five elements of the Service Lifecycle of ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library, match the column 1 with the one 2.

Column 1

(I) Service Transition.

(II) Service Strategy.

(III) Service Design.

(IV) Service Operation.

(V) Continual Service Improvement.

Column 2

(A) Day-to-day execution of services and service management processes. 

(B) Activities embedded in the service lifecycle.

(C) Standards, Policies and Strategies.

(D) Management of the changeover of a new or changed service and/or service management process into production TI.

(E) Plans to create and modify services and service management processes.

Choose the alternative with the right association. 

Q1167797 Governança de TI
About the factors in strategic assessment on ITIL, choose the correct alternative.
1: D
2: A