Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2009 para Diplomata - 2ª Etapa - VERMELHO

Foram encontradas 4 questões

Q12297 Inglês
Indicate which of the following words or phrases would not be an appropriate synonym for the word "once" in the phrase "once we are in the midst of it" (l.24).
Q12310 Inglês
Judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items with reference to the text.

In context, the phrase "household name" (R.7) could be appropriately replaced by synonym.
Q12311 Inglês
Judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items with reference to the text.

"After all" (l.5) is equivalent to Eventually.
Q12314 Inglês
In the phrase "consumers in America feel cowed, while Asia is jittery" (l.29-30), the most appropriate synonyms for "cowed" and "jittery" are respectively

1: C
2: C
3: E
4: C