Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2018 para Diplomata - Prova 2

Foram encontradas 6 questões

Q930140 Inglês

Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according to text I.

In the first paragraph, the words “ongoing” (L.2) and “advocates” (L.5) can be correctly and respectively replaced by far-reaching and lawyers without this changing the meaning of the passage.

Q930141 Inglês

Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according to text I.

The passage “what has always happened to it:” (L.7) can be correctly replaced by what has always happened to it, which means that or by what has always happened to it, which is to say.

Q930143 Inglês

Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according to text I.

The passage “the lure of quick fixes addressing multifaceted processes of change” (L. 29 and 30) could be replaced by the temptation of finding easy solutions for manifold processes of change and this would still keep the paragraph coherent.

Q930154 Inglês

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text III, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

The expression “come to grief” (L.10) means to end in failure.

Q930159 Inglês

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text IV, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

The expression “on a par with” (L.30) means competing.

1: E
2: C
3: C
4: C
5: E