Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Princesa - SC 2018 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 13 questões

Q1750011 Inglês
“Throughout history, the story of women _____________ one of exclusion, stillness, absence, and prejudice.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence above.
Q1750012 Inglês
“This is an entirely novel type of intervention which could be added to community-wide campaigns with antimalarial drugs, such as mass drug administration and seasonal malaria chemoprevention, to kill both mosquitoes and parasites.” Identify the best option that can replace the underlined expression.
Q1750013 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below. I - Just as I got into the bath all the lights went off; II - Tiffany was reading concentrated while Ken was cooking; III - They were trembling with anger as they left the hotel. Observing the underlined verb tenses, identify the correct option:
Q1750014 Inglês
“Photographer captures bittersweet spirit of a dog who has been living in a park for 13 years.” The underlined verb tense expresses:
Q1750016 Inglês
“(…) she ________________ nobody ______________ be scared of her baseball bat.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence above.
1: C
2: A
3: B
4: C
5: D