Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Sul Brasil - SC 2017 para Professor de Língua Estrangeira – Inglês (Habilitado)

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q770958 Inglês
About the underlined modal verbs in the sentences below:
I. Human rights must be based on the principle of respect for the individual. II. Each person is a moral and rational being who should be treated with dignity. III. Human rights are rights for everyone- no matter who they might be.
They express, respectively:
Q770959 Inglês
About the sentence: “A rich heart may be under a poor coat.”:
I. It´s a proverb that talks about not judge by appearances. II. It´s about mental health. III. It´s about a winter campaign which benefits poor children and young people every year. IV. It´s a quote that talks about greed and poverty.
1: A
2: C