Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso

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Q2423226 Inglês

Como outro objetivo deste método é o de transmitir um conhecimento sobre a língua, a gramática assume um papel normativo, sendo ela um dos focos centrais da aula. Para que os alunos possam ganhar consciência das regras gramaticais, extensos trabalhos com a memorização são realizados, na forma de exercícios estruturalistas de substituição e/ou repetição.

O texto, acima, se refere a qual das metodologias de ensino de Língua Inglesa?

Q2421817 Inglês

Leslie Dickinson is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Heriot-Watt, Scotland. In her article Learner autonomy: what, why and how? a definition of autonomy, he presents the definition for autonomy.

According to her, it is correct to say that:

I. Autonomy is essentially an attitude to learning rather than a methodology.

II. Learning or learner’s autonomy is not a license to behave without constraint.

III. Autonomy is not primarily a matter of the physical setting of learning.

IV. Helping learners to become autonomous is not a threat to the teacher's job.

The correct affirmatives are:

Q2421816 Inglês

“In the field of language teaching, the term syllabus has both practical and theoretical meanings. In a practical sense, it is an actual plan of course. In theoretical sense, it refers to a specific way to conceptualize what language is and how language is learned so that the materials can be selected and prepared for the classroom.” (CELSE-MURCIA, 2014)

The items that can be considered examples of syllabuses are:

I. Task-based syllabus, skill-based approaches, lexical syllabus

II. Negotiated syllabus, project-based language learning, lexical syllabus

III. Grammatical syllabus, notional-functional syllabus, text-based syllabus

IV. Task-based syllabus, content-based instruction, grammatical syllabus

The correct affirmatives are:

Q2421815 Inglês

The cognitive approach is a well known one among teachers and researchers of foreign languages.

Concerning the principles of the four current approaches to language teaching that CelseMurcia presents in her book Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, the cognitive approach stablishes that:

Q2421814 Inglês

Leffa on his book Ensino e Aprendizagem mentions the importance of differentiating learning and acquisition.

According to Leffa:

41: A
42: D
43: D
44: D
45: A