Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso

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Q2482241 Inglês

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According to Annex of Law No. 5.156/2023, the total number of positions for specialist teachers in the areas of Mathematics, Portuguese Language, Science, History, Physical Education, English Language, and Geography is sixty six.

Q2482235 Inglês

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The school planning must be practical, and should focus mostly on getting through the school subjects in the most efficient way instead of coordinating the whole processes of organization, functioning and pedagogical proposition of the school, since it is too time consuming.

Q2482232 Inglês

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According to the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education– Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments, it is only the teachers responsibility to zeal for the students attendency to classes.

Q2482231 Inglês

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The Communicative Teaching Method for foreign languages emphasizes on learning using interaction at the aiming language, using errors as something positive, a proof of the students effort to learn.

Q2482229 Inglês

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It is ensured by the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education – Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments that there must be a guarantee to the quality of education even in the gratuitous public established schools, as well of the appretiation of the public school servants.

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