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Q2093161 Inglês
’Marching towards starvation’: UN warns of hell on earth if Ukraine
war goes on

    Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned. Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced "frightening"shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia.

    "Even before the Ukraine crisis, we were facing an unprecedented global food crisis because of Covid and fuel price increases," said Beasley. "Then, we thought it couldn’t get any worse, but this war has been devastating." Ukraine grows enough food every year to feed 400 million people. It produces 42% of the world’s sunflower oil, 16% of its maize and 9% of its wheat. Somalia relies on Ukraine and Russia for all of its wheat imports, while Egypt gets 80% of its grain from the two countries.

    The WFP sources 40% of the wheat for its emergency food-relief programmes from Ukraine and, after its operating costs rose by $70m (£58m) a month, it has been forced to halve rations in several countries. Citing increases in the price of shipping, fertiliser and fuel as key factors - due to Covid-19, the climate crisis and the Ukraine war - Beasley said the number of people suffering from "chronic hunger" had risen from 650 million to 810 million in the past five years.

Adapted from:
Accessed on 07/10/2022

(URCA/2022.2) David Beasley afirmou em Addis Ababa que o aumento no preço dos alimentos pode causar:
Q2093160 Inglês
’Marching towards starvation’: UN warns of hell on earth if Ukraine
war goes on

    Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned. Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced "frightening"shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia.

    "Even before the Ukraine crisis, we were facing an unprecedented global food crisis because of Covid and fuel price increases," said Beasley. "Then, we thought it couldn’t get any worse, but this war has been devastating." Ukraine grows enough food every year to feed 400 million people. It produces 42% of the world’s sunflower oil, 16% of its maize and 9% of its wheat. Somalia relies on Ukraine and Russia for all of its wheat imports, while Egypt gets 80% of its grain from the two countries.

    The WFP sources 40% of the wheat for its emergency food-relief programmes from Ukraine and, after its operating costs rose by $70m (£58m) a month, it has been forced to halve rations in several countries. Citing increases in the price of shipping, fertiliser and fuel as key factors - due to Covid-19, the climate crisis and the Ukraine war - Beasley said the number of people suffering from "chronic hunger" had risen from 650 million to 810 million in the past five years.

Adapted from:
Accessed on 07/10/2022

(URCA/2022.2) O Programa Mundial de Alimento das Nações Unidas obtém quase metade do trigo para seus programas de emergência da/do: 
Q2093159 Inglês
’Marching towards starvation’: UN warns of hell on earth if Ukraine
war goes on

    Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned. Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced "frightening"shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia.

    "Even before the Ukraine crisis, we were facing an unprecedented global food crisis because of Covid and fuel price increases," said Beasley. "Then, we thought it couldn’t get any worse, but this war has been devastating." Ukraine grows enough food every year to feed 400 million people. It produces 42% of the world’s sunflower oil, 16% of its maize and 9% of its wheat. Somalia relies on Ukraine and Russia for all of its wheat imports, while Egypt gets 80% of its grain from the two countries.

    The WFP sources 40% of the wheat for its emergency food-relief programmes from Ukraine and, after its operating costs rose by $70m (£58m) a month, it has been forced to halve rations in several countries. Citing increases in the price of shipping, fertiliser and fuel as key factors - due to Covid-19, the climate crisis and the Ukraine war - Beasley said the number of people suffering from "chronic hunger" had risen from 650 million to 810 million in the past five years.

Adapted from:
Accessed on 07/10/2022

(URCA/2022.2) Depois de ler o texto, é correto afirmar que
Q2093158 Inglês
’Marching towards starvation’: UN warns of hell on earth if Ukraine
war goes on

    Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned. Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced "frightening"shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia.

    "Even before the Ukraine crisis, we were facing an unprecedented global food crisis because of Covid and fuel price increases," said Beasley. "Then, we thought it couldn’t get any worse, but this war has been devastating." Ukraine grows enough food every year to feed 400 million people. It produces 42% of the world’s sunflower oil, 16% of its maize and 9% of its wheat. Somalia relies on Ukraine and Russia for all of its wheat imports, while Egypt gets 80% of its grain from the two countries.

    The WFP sources 40% of the wheat for its emergency food-relief programmes from Ukraine and, after its operating costs rose by $70m (£58m) a month, it has been forced to halve rations in several countries. Citing increases in the price of shipping, fertiliser and fuel as key factors - due to Covid-19, the climate crisis and the Ukraine war - Beasley said the number of people suffering from "chronic hunger" had risen from 650 million to 810 million in the past five years.

Adapted from:
Accessed on 07/10/2022

(URCA/2022.2) De acordo com o texto, a crise alimentar no mundo tem como causa 
Q2092709 Inglês

Asylum-seeker smuggling is a
symptom, not a root cause

Robert Falconer/Craig D. Smith - Jan 31, 2022

1_- 7.png (369×777)
1_- 40.png (371×212)

Choose the alternative that best expresses the idea presented in this excerpt (lines 40 to 43).
“It can choose hard line policies to the benefit of the Canadian security establishment and create more smugglers, even as its politicians heap blame on them when tragedy strikes.” 
21: A
22: D
23: A
24: E
25: D