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Q2554217 Pedagogia
Devido à dificuldade de muitos continuarem acreditando na onipotência ou na bondade divina em face da presença do mal no mundo, sobretudo quando este recai de forma trágica sobre pessoas inocentes, como ocorreu, por exemplo, no Holocausto judeu - muitos estudiosos procuram justificar a Deus mediante argumentos elaborados. Chamamos esse conjunto de argumentos de:
Q2554216 Pedagogia
De acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais: Ensino Religioso, publicados em 2009 pelo Fórum Nacional Permanente do Ensino Religioso – Fonaper, essa disciplina se organiza em cinco eixos organizadores de conteúdo: Culturas e Tradições Religiosas; Escrituras Sagradas e/ou Tradições Orais; Teologias; Ritos; e Ethos. A respeito do último eixo, Ethos, pode-se dizer com acerto que apresenta como conteúdo os seguintes temas:
Q2554215 Pedagogia

Com relação aos símbolos religiosos indicados abaixo, enumere a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira, correlacionando os referidos símbolos à respectiva tradição religiosa que os adota.

Coluna 1

1. Pentagrama.

2. Hamsá.

3. Om.

4. Roda do Dharma.

Coluna 2

( ) Hinduísmo.

( ) Islamismo.

( ) Budismo.

( ) Wicca.

A sequência da correta correlação é: 

Q2553673 Inglês
Teaching English as a Second Language is a high demand subject of instruction that continues to experience growth in schools across the country. As children from foreign countries continue to immigrate to the United States and enroll in schools here, the number of students whose native language is not English continues to grow. Thus, many schools have English Language Learners (ELL) programs, also known as English as a Second Language (ESL) and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). As the primary spoken language in a country with a rich history of immigration and cultural diversity, English and its mastery are na important part of educational development. ESL is offered for people of all ages, though it is not part of the standard public school curriculum as it is not essential to all students. (s.d.). What Can I Teach? - TEFL & TESOL |
TEFL & TESOL Careers. Avaiable
Planning an English class for learners involves several key steps, except: 
Q2553672 Inglês

Based on the Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach with a theoretical underpinning that a language is for communication.

( ) The Audiolingual Approach is based on a structuralist view of language and draws on the psychology of behaviourism as the basis of its learning theory, employing stimulus and response.

( ) The Lexical Approach is an approach based on the notion that language comprises lexical units (chunks, collocations, and fixed phrases). Grammar is secondary and is acquired through learning these chunks.

( ) The Grammar Translation sees the process of learning a second language as a cognitive task, with learners as intelligent autonomous individuals, who can infer language use from well-structured input.

The statements are, respectively:

21: C
22: B
23: D
24: D
25: A