Questões de Concurso Público SEE-AC 2023 para ENSINO REGULAR: PROFESSOR PNS-P2 – LÍNGUA INGLESA

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q2184948 Inglês
The word ‘bug’ can have other meanings than just “an insect”. Read the sentences and choose the alternative that exposes “bug” in these other meanings.
I. My new computer is full of bugs! I can’t open even an email. II. Be careful with this new hotel, the owner planted a bug in each hotel room, just to listen to what the hotel guests are saying. III. See! There's a huge bug crawling up your leg!
Q2184949 Inglês
In the text “Mark Moffet and his strange love”, it can be read: “An entomologist is a person who studies insects. By the way, do you like ants? Tick the alternative that is not a synonymous of the highlighted expression.
Q2184950 Inglês
Leia o fragmento a seguir: “Ted-Bear Repair Technician is an example”, no item sobre aspectos gramaticais, o artigo indefinido singular é formado por ‘a’ ou por ‘na’.
“In (I) __________ rainy weekend, some parents invited me to return to my grandfather’s farm; it would be the first time we went there after his death. We entered by the huge gates, then we opened the heavy dining-room doors. At once I noticed some long-playing records (LP) that he used to listen, I took (II) __________ LP that was in the lowest part of the record player, it was his favorite. Now I need to buy (III) __________ record player, otherwise there was no use of having (IV) __________ old LP like that”.
Assinale a alternativa que preencha correta e respectivamente as lacunas.
Q2184951 Inglês
No item sobre palavras cognatas e falsos cognatos, há uma especificidade que são as palavras cognatas reais ou idênticas, tanto na forma quanto no significado. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta essa cognata.
Q2184952 Inglês
Leia o fragmento a seguir e assinale a qual estratégia de leitura ele pertence: “It is a model of fast reading. It is used to get a rapid general impression of the central idea of the text. The teacher controls the reading time spent by the students.
26: C
27: B
28: B
29: C
30: C