Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Crato - CE 2021 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 25 questões

Q1794178 Inglês
Read the text and choose the ONLY alternative which best replace the verbs in parentheses by their passive voices.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão EASTWOOD, John. A basic English grammar exercises.
Q1794179 Inglês
Currently, one of the most important guidelines, for education, in Brazil, is the BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular). Since 2015, it has been developed by teachers and politicians all over the country, and the English language plays a very important role in this new context. About the topic, mark the alternative which DOES NOT bring a competence for the sixth grade of elementary school in its final years.
Q1794180 Inglês
Social media is, nowadays, one of the most outstanding ways to teach and learn vocabulary in second or foreign language. In the following Instagram post we may classify the words WET and BAE, respectively, as:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão Disponível em >
Q1794181 Inglês
According to Brown (2001), for most foreign and second language learners who are already literate in a previous language, reading comprehension is primarily a matter of developing appropriate, efficient comprehension strategies. In his book, the author highlights some of those strategies presented following, EXCEPT:
Q1794182 Inglês
Look at the following data about some criminals and choose the alternative which best complete the blank spaces in the text.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Smokey Joe is _____ Skinny Bones. In fact, Chuck Scarface is ______ and Skinny Bones is ______ of the gang. Scarface is ______ of the three men. Skinny Bones is ______ Smokey Joe. Skinny Bones is ______ whereas Scarface is ______ of all. This gang is very dangerous. Scarface is ______ Smokey Joe. But be careful, because Skinny Bones is ______. Scarface is ______ Smokey Joe. However, Skinny Bones is a very clever thief. He is ______ of the gang. Scarface works ______ Skinny Bones but Smokey Joe is ______ thief the police has ever met! But he is quite rich though. He is ______ Scarface. In fact, Scarface is ______ and Skinny Bones is ______ of the gang. The police say that Skinny Bones is ______ and ______ criminal they have ever met! Due to his intelligence, he is ______ thief to catch! These are ______ criminals in Liverpool!
1: A
2: E
3: C
4: D
5: X