Questões de Concurso Público ANAC 2009 para Especialista em Regulação - Economia

Foram encontradas 14 questões

Q49645 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

Judge the following items according to the text.

General Motors chief executive officer Rick Wagoner has ben dismissed.
Q49649 Inglês
Imagem 004.jpg

In the text,

"behest" (L.8) is closest in meaning to an authoritative command or request.
Q49650 Inglês
Imagem 004.jpg

In the text,

"entrepreneurs" (L.37) means people who organize, operate, and assume the risk for a business venture.
Q49652 Inglês
Imagem 005.jpg

Judge the following items about the ideas and the linguistic
structure of the text above.

Easyjet's founder, Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, has had a quarrel with his board of directors.
6: C
7: E
8: C
9: C
10: C