Questões de Inglês - Verbos | Verbs para Concurso

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Q2267396 Inglês
Look at the picture. Based on what you can see.
“The little girl _________ some chocolate.”
Choose the CORRECT answer. 
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q2264041 Inglês
CARB LOAD You CAN eat your favourite carbs and still lose weight − thanks to clever hack

(1º§) CRAVING carbs but worried they won't help you hit your weight loss goals? Well, think again - pasta and potatoes don't have to be off the menu, especially thanks to one nifty trick. It all comes down to how you serve and eat them. Instead of piping hot pasta and steaming potatoes, consider letting your carbs cool right down before you eat them. Why? Because cold carbs have a lower glycaemic index.

(2º§) Personal trainer Nick Mitchell, the founder of Ultimate Performance, says: "Foods with a lower glycaemic index can help you lose weight because they make you feel full for longer. "They can also stop the sharp rise and fall of blood sugar levels that result in hunger pangs, which can lead to raiding the cupboard, binge eating and weight gain."

(3º§) Packing your lunch for work? Cook your carbs the night before and eat them cold the next day. Cold pasta or rice salad with lots of veggies, or cold potato salad with creme fraiche rather than mayonnaise, and lots of herbs, are ideal. Some carbs, including beans and potatoes, are also a great source of resistant starch.

(4º§) This kind of starch resists digestion, and acts as a fibre, offering lots of health benefits including providing your gut with prebiotics (great for the good bacteria in your gut). It's also thought it can help reduce inflammation in the body and may help prevent colon/bowel cancer and IBS. Plus, it can help you shed weight too, by helping you feel fuller for longer. Handily, you can boost the resistant starch in your carbs by eating them cold, and this can help you avoid blood sugar spikes too.

(5º§) Carbs often get criticised and sidelined as inherently 'bad', but we really shouldn't demonise them - or food in general. Registered dietitian Megan Hilbert, explains that carbs are essential to our health and wellbeing: "In fact, they are the most important source of energy for our bodies." She says: "They provide fuel for the nervous system, our organs, especially the brain, and muscle tissue.

(6º§) "Carbs have gotten a bad rap over the years but they are important for a ton of functions in the body, like providing a quick source of energy for workouts, fuelling the brain which accounts for 20 per cent of our energy needs, and powering cells in the body to keep us going." So do dodge chips where you can, but when it comes to healthy whole carbs, like brown rice, wholegrains, oats and beans, eat up!

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What does the phrasal verb "eat up" (6º§) mean in the context of the text?
Q2248474 Inglês

What life in medieval Europe was really like

      A time of innovation, philosophy, and legendary works of art: the realities of the medieval period (500 to 1500 C.E.) in Europe may surprise you. Many know the years before the Renaissance and _________________ that followed as Europe’s “Dark Ages,” a time of backward, slovenly, and brutal people who were technologically primitive and hopelessly superstitious.

     Sure, it would take until the 19th century for the germ theory of disease to overtake the concept of humors and “miasmas” that could damage human health. But the ___________ image of medieval people as slovenly, unwashed, and lacking hygiene is false. In fact, both indoor and outdoor bathing were beloved in Europe. People not only made and used soap at home, but they frequented bathhouses—some public, some private, some merely fronts for brothels.

      A myth persists that during the Middle Ages, the unenlightened believed Earth was flat and worried that ships might even fall off the planet’s edge. That’s patently false: People knew the planet was a sphere as far back as ancient Greece (12th to 9th centuries B.C.), and had relatively complex astronomical and planetary ______________ by the time Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Americas in 1492.

      The so-called “Dark Ages” is a myth historians have spent years trying to disprove. The myth seems to stem from some authors’ use of “dark” to refer to everything from a 14th-century poet’s complaints about the quality of local literature to a 17th-century historian’s failed attempt to find historical sources from centuries earlier.

(Fonte: National Geographic — adaptado.)
Considering the different uses for -ing forms, number the 2nd column according to the 1st column, then check the item that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(1) Noun. (2) Present participle. (3) Adjective.
(_) Playing piano is a great pleasure.
(_) That man is drinking.
(_) No parking.
( ) The rising prices are scary.
Q2239810 Inglês
Text 2A7

       Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most rapidly advancing technology humans have ever developed. A year ago, you wouldn’t often hear AI come up in a regular conversation, but today it seems there’s constant talk about how generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E will affect the future of work, the spread of information, and more. A major question that has thus far been almost entirely unexamined is how this AI-dominated future will affect people’s minds.

         There’s been some research into how using AI in their jobs will affect people mentally, but there isn’t yet an understanding of how simply living amongst so much AI-generated content and systems will affect people’s sense of the world. How is AI going to change individuals and society in the not-too-distant future?

          AI will obviously make it easier to produce disinformation. That will affect people’s sense of trust as they’re scrolling on social media. AI can also allow someone to imitate your loved ones, which further erodes people’s general ability to trust what was once unquestionable.

Internet: < wired,com > (adapted).  
In the context of the first sentence of the second paragraph of text 2A7, the word “ understanding ” is grammatically classified as 
Q2238992 Inglês
Text 2A7

         Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most rapidly advancing technology humans have ever developed. A year ago, you wouldn’t often hear AI come up in a regular conversation, but today it seems there’s constant talk about how generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E will affect the future of work, the spread of information, and more. A major question that has thus far been almost entirely unexamined is how this AI-dominated future will affect people’s minds.
           There’s been some research into how using AI in their jobs will affect people mentally, but there isn’t yet an understanding of how simply living amongst so much AI-generated content and systems will affect people’s sense of the world. How is AI going to change individuals and society in the not-too-distant future?

            AI will obviously make it easier to produce disinformation. That will affect people’s sense of trust as they’re scrolling on social media. AI can also allow someone to imitate your loved ones, which further erodes people’s general ability to trust what was once unquestionable.

Internet: <> (adapted). 
In the context of the first sentence of the second paragraph of text 2A7, the word “understanding” is grammatically classified as 
31: B
32: C
33: B
34: D
35: C