Questões de Inglês - Tag questions para Concurso

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Ano: 2017 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de São Bernardo - MA
Q1182368 Inglês
 The only right form to complete the sentence “Let’s go, ______?” is: 
Q1147200 Inglês

Text 1:

How being bilingual can boost your career

Whether you’re fresh out of college or a seasoned executive, insiders agree that fluency in a second language can not only help you stand out among prospective employers, it can also open doors to opportunities that those without foreign language skills might miss. 

In today’s global economy, the ability to communicate in another language has become a significant advantage in the workforce. Research has found that people who speak at least one foreign language have an average annual household income that’s $10,000 higher than the household income of those who only speak English. And about 17 percent of those who speak at least one foreign language earn more than $100,000 a year. 

A recent survey found that nearly 9 out of 10 headhunters in Europe, Latin America, and Asia say that being at least bilingual is critical for success in today’s business environment. And 66 percent of North American recruiters agreed that being bilingual will be increasingly important in the next 10 years. 

“In today’s global economy you really have to understand the way business is done overseas to maximize your potential. A second language equips you for that,” says Alister Wellesley, managing partner of a Connecticut-based recruiting firm. “If you’re doing business overseas, or with someone from overseas, you obtain a certain degree of respect if you’re able to talk in their native language.” 

Language skills can also be key for service industries. At the Willard InterContinental Washington, a luxury hotel a few blocks from the White House, a staff of about 570 represents 42 nations, speaking 19 languages. The Willard’s front-of-house employees such as the concierge speak at least two languages. Bilingualism is not an absolute requirement, but it is desirable, according to Wendi Colby, director of human resources. 

Workers with skills in a second language may have an edge when it comes to climbing Willard’s professional ladder. “The individual that spoke more languages would have a better chance for a managerial role, whatever the next level would be,” Colby says. “They are able to deal with a wide array of clients, employees.” 

So which languages can give you a leg up on the job market? Insiders agree the most popular – and marketable – languages are Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian and Japanese, with a growing emphasis on Mandarin, given China’s booming economy. So let’s learn Mandarin!

“We see demand from a full range of industries,” says Wellesley. “Actually it depends on which company you’re working for and the country in which they’re located.” 

Adapted from: LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina & OXENDEN, Clive. American English File 5. 2nd edition. Oxford: OUP, 2018. 

Consider the sentences below:

1- 66% of North American recruiters agreed that being bilingual will be increasingly important, ___________?

2- They are able to deal with a wide array of clients, ____________?

3- Let’s visit the Willard InterContinental hotel, ____________? 

Check the option that presents the correct question tags that complete the sentences above, respectively: 

Q1128071 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:
Text 1:

The Digital Divide

A recent survey has shown that the number of people in the United Kingdom who do not intend to get Internet access has risen. These people, who are known as 'net refuseniks', make up 44% of UK households, or 11.2 million people in total.

The research also showed that more than 70 percent of these people said that they were not interested in getting connected to the Internet. This number has risen from just over 50% in 2005, with most giving lack of computer skills as a reason for not getting Internet access, though some also said it was because of the cost.

More and more people are getting broadband and high speed net is available almost everywhere in the UK, but there are still a significant number of people who refuse to take the first step.

The cost of getting online is going down and Internet speeds are increasing, so many see the main challenge to be explaining the relevance of the Internet to this group. This would encourage them to get connected before they are left too far behind. The gap between those who have access to and use the Internet and those who don't is the digital divide, and if the gap continues to widen, those without access will get left behind and miss out on many opportunities, especially in their careers.
Adapted from:
The following sentences have question tags. Choose the sentence which has the correct question tag.
Q1110376 Inglês
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs: John: “Sarah, just tell me the true about the Project. Nothing is ready, ___?” Sarah: “Of course it is! Well... some parts, at least... maybe two... or one...” John: “I knew it!” Turns to Claire, “I told you Sarah would procrastinate, ___? She always does.” Sarah: “That’s not true! I always get things done. Tell him, Claire. I’m very proactive, ___?” Claire: “well...”
Q1079261 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Text 1:

Read Kate's blog:

The importance of doing what you love

When I was growing up, all I wanted to be was an artist. When I got to high school and could choose what classes to take, I took every art class that was available. Painting, drawing, photography, you name it - l took the class.

Then I took a chemistry class. I LOVED it. It was fun! And I was good at it. I started thinking: wouldn't I make more money if I went into the sciences instead of being a starving artist?

So I threw away the art school applications and went to study chemistry. College was fun, and when I graduated with my chemistry degree, I went to graduate school in Washington, D. C. to do a PhD program in chemistry! It was OK to start with, but after the first year, I was completely depressed. I hated the program. It was dry and boring. But I didn't know what to do about it.

So I quit. I spent the next month feeling bad about my failure, unsure what to do next. Finally, I went to an employment agency to get a job. Something - anything - that would pay money.

I got a temporary job filling envelopes at an NGO. One day they needed some graphic design and I volunteered. This was the major turning point in my career. Over the next few months, they gave me more and more design work. What began as a temporary job turned into a permanent job. I was finally doing something I loved, and I was making money doing it. It's been difficult at times, but I really love my job. Believe me, it is FAR more important that you are happy and get to do what you are passionate about every day and get paid less for it, than to dread getting up in the morning because you dislike what you do.

NGO = non-governmental organization

Taken from:
LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina & OXENDEN, Clive. American English File. 2nd edition. Oxford, 2014. p.83.
Choose the only sentence in which the question tag is incorrect:
31: B
32: D
33: E
34: E
35: E