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Q2239463 Inglês
Text 2A7

          Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most rapidly advancing technology humans have ever developed. A year ago, you wouldn’t often hear AI come up in a regular conversation, but today it seems there’s constant talk about how generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E will affect the future of work, the spread of information, and more. A major question that has thus far been almost entirely unexamined is how this
AI-dominated future will affect people’s minds.

            There’s been some research into how using AI in their jobs will affect people mentally, but there isn’t yet an understanding of how simply living amongst so much AI-generated content and systems will affect people’s sense of the world. How is AI going to change individuals and society in the not-too-distant future?

           AI will obviously make it easier to produce disinformation. That will affect people’s sense of trust as they’re scrolling on social media. AI can also allow someone to imitate your loved ones, which further erodes people’s general ability to trust what was once unquestionable.
Internet: <> adapted). 
In the first paragraph of text 2A7, “thus far” means the same as
Q2234102 Inglês

Read Text I and answer the question.

Text I

Why We're Obsessed With the Mind-Blowing ChatGPT AI Chatbot

Stephen Shankland

Feb. 19, 2023 5:00 a.m. PT

   This artificial intelligence bot can answer questions, write essays, summarize documents and write software. But deep down, it doesn't know what's true.

     Even if you aren't into artificial intelligence, it's time to pay attention to ChatGPT, because this one is a big deal.

    The tool, from a power player in artificial intelligence called OpenAI, lets you type natural-language prompts. ChatGPT then offers conversational, if somewhat stilted, responses. The bot remembers the thread of your dialogue, using previous questions and answers to inform its next responses. It derives its answers from huge volumes of information on the internet.

     ChatGPT is a big deal. The tool seems pretty knowledgeable in areas where there's good training data for it to learn from. It's not omniscient or smart enough to replace all humans yet, but it can be creative, and its answers can sound downright authoritative. A few days after its launch, more than a million people were trying out ChatGPT.

     But be careful, OpenAI warns. ChatGPT has all kinds of potential pitfalls, some easy to spot and some more subtle.

     “It's a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now,” OpenAI Chief Executive Sam Altman tweeted. “We have lots of work to do on robustness and truthfulness.” […]

        What is ChatGPT?

       ChatGPT is an AI chatbot system that OpenAI released in November to show off and test what a very large, powerful AI system can accomplish. You can ask it countless questions and often will get an answer that's useful.

        For example, you can ask it encyclopedia questions like, “Explain Newton's laws of motion.” You can tell it, "Write me a poem," and when it does, say, "Now make it more exciting." You ask it to write a computer program that'll show you all the different ways you can arrange the letters of a word.

       Here's the catch: ChatGPT doesn't exactly know anything. It's an AI that's trained to recognize patterns in vast swaths of text harvested from the internet, then further trained with human assistance to deliver more useful, better dialog. The answers you get may sound plausible and even authoritative, but they might well be entirely wrong, as OpenAI warns.

Adapted from:

The word yet in It's not omniscient or smart enough to replace all humans yet is similar in meaning to
Q2234101 Inglês

Read Text I and answer the question.

Text I

Why We're Obsessed With the Mind-Blowing ChatGPT AI Chatbot

Stephen Shankland

Feb. 19, 2023 5:00 a.m. PT

   This artificial intelligence bot can answer questions, write essays, summarize documents and write software. But deep down, it doesn't know what's true.

     Even if you aren't into artificial intelligence, it's time to pay attention to ChatGPT, because this one is a big deal.

    The tool, from a power player in artificial intelligence called OpenAI, lets you type natural-language prompts. ChatGPT then offers conversational, if somewhat stilted, responses. The bot remembers the thread of your dialogue, using previous questions and answers to inform its next responses. It derives its answers from huge volumes of information on the internet.

     ChatGPT is a big deal. The tool seems pretty knowledgeable in areas where there's good training data for it to learn from. It's not omniscient or smart enough to replace all humans yet, but it can be creative, and its answers can sound downright authoritative. A few days after its launch, more than a million people were trying out ChatGPT.

     But be careful, OpenAI warns. ChatGPT has all kinds of potential pitfalls, some easy to spot and some more subtle.

     “It's a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now,” OpenAI Chief Executive Sam Altman tweeted. “We have lots of work to do on robustness and truthfulness.” […]

        What is ChatGPT?

       ChatGPT is an AI chatbot system that OpenAI released in November to show off and test what a very large, powerful AI system can accomplish. You can ask it countless questions and often will get an answer that's useful.

        For example, you can ask it encyclopedia questions like, “Explain Newton's laws of motion.” You can tell it, "Write me a poem," and when it does, say, "Now make it more exciting." You ask it to write a computer program that'll show you all the different ways you can arrange the letters of a word.

       Here's the catch: ChatGPT doesn't exactly know anything. It's an AI that's trained to recognize patterns in vast swaths of text harvested from the internet, then further trained with human assistance to deliver more useful, better dialog. The answers you get may sound plausible and even authoritative, but they might well be entirely wrong, as OpenAI warns.

Adapted from:

The word pretty in The tool seems pretty knowledgeable indicates
Q2217633 Inglês

Available at: -banking/what-is-the-impact-of-it-on-the-banking-sector. Retrieved on: Dec. 9, 2022. Adapted.

In the fragment in the seventh paragraph of the text, “have all increased considerably, indicating an essential shift in the customers’ preferences” the word in bold can be replaced, without any change in meaning, by:
Q2215004 Inglês
          As new technologies take on increasingly humanlike qualities, there’s been a push to make them genderless. Apple’s Siri digital assistant unveiled a gender-neutral option last year, and when asked about their gender identities, the AI chatbots ChatGPT and Google Bard each reply, “I do not have a gender.”
     There have been concerns over gendering technology, since doing so reinforces societal stereotypes. That happens because the stereotypes commonly associated with men, such as competitiveness and dominance, are more valued than those associated with women. That is likely true, says Ashley Martin, a professor at Stanford University. “People are stereotyping their gendered objects in very traditional ways,” she says.
          Removing gender from the picture altogether seems like a simple way to fix this. Yet, as Martin has found in her latest research, conducted with Malia Mason, of Columbia Universty, gender is one of the fundamental ways people form connections with objects, particularly those designed to evoke human characteristics.
          Throughout the experiments, Martin and Mason found that gender increased users’ feelings of attachment to devices such as digital voice assistants –– and their interest in purchasing them. For example, participants said they would be less likely to buy a genderless voice assistant than versions with male or female voices.

Hope Reese. Is That Self-Driving Car a Boy or a Girl? In: Insights by Stanford Business. Internet:<>  (adapted)

Judge the following item, related to the vocabulary and to the grammar in the precedent text.

In the first paragraph, the word “humanlike” can be correctly replaced by humane without this changing the meaning relations in the paragraph.

31: A
32: A
33: C
34: A
35: E