Questões de Inglês - Orações condicionais | Conditional Clauses para Concurso

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Q1858196 Inglês

Instruction: answer based on the following text.

(Available in: – text adapted specially for this test).

Find the sentence with the same conditional structure as “If your pooch, new or old, is struggling with basic commands, take a step back and evaluate their demeanor.” (l. 26-27):
Q1794200 Inglês
Choose ONLY the third conditional sentence:
Q1779879 Inglês

Use the image to answer the question.

From Internet.

In relation to Mother Teresa's famous sentence:

I-It´s a sentence in the second conditional.

II-OUR and US are personal pronouns.

III-There is at least one modal verb.

IV-To sweep it´s necessary a hoe.

Q1778516 Inglês
Considere a frase a seguir: Susan would have been a great architect if she had gone to the university. A estrutura gramatical utilizada para formulá-la é:
36: A
37: A
38: B
39: D
40: A