Questões de Inglês - Artigos | Articles para Concurso

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Q1728441 Inglês

Observe the following sentences.

I - […] one look at her Instagram account will reveal that she has rock hard.

II - A FBI agent testified Thursday.

III - […] and an honor to work with Andy Lincoln.

IV - […] in the world as a one-parent child.

Choose the correct option according to the underlined items.

Q1725577 Inglês
Read the fragment below.

Some children is more likely to develop teeth cavities.

In the context above there is mistake related to a or an:
Q1724250 Inglês
Neil Armstrong se tornou o primeiro homem a pisar na Lua em 20 de julho de 1969. Na ocasião, estima-se que 500 milhões de pessoas assistiam e ouviam quando ele disse a famosa frase: “That’s one small step for ___ man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Assinale a alternativa que, correta e gramaticalmente, completa a frase dita por Armstrong. 
Q1610896 Inglês
Articles frequently accompany nouns. Choose the alternative that presents a general and a specific article, respectively.
Q1344527 Inglês arctic-europe-us

Consider the sentence: “The Earth has already warmed by an average of 1°C” (line 13). The article “the” is used
41: C
42: B
43: A
44: E
45: B