Questões da Prova CESPE - 2017 - SEDF - Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês 

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Q795873 Inglês

Judge the following item according to text 19A3BBB.

It is correct to replace “calling” with call in the phrase “used to calling” (l.17).

Q795863 Inglês

Judge the following item, on the linguistic aspects of text 19A1AAA.

In “like many others before and since” (l. 6 and 7), the verb phrase would have done is omitted.

Q795862 Inglês

Judge the following item, on the linguistic aspects of text 19A1AAA.

The verbal phrase “allowed him to live abroad” (l.4) can be correctly replaced by allowed him living abroad.

1: E
2: E
3: E